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BWB International Commencement of Aquisition of HKSE ​

发布时间:2020/06/15 区块链 浏览次数:699

AIEA gives you a fulcrum, allowing you to move the earth and create a new foreign exchange ecology!

BWB International Commencement of Acquisition of Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKSE) Main Board listed Innovative Technology Company

Following the launch of the “Hundred People and Hundred Cities” global market strategy, BWB Greater China headquarters will be officially settled in Shenzhen, China on June 16, 2020, opening a new chapter of BWB innovation breakthrough and leading the tide of technology finance. At this grand moment, BWB has injected another injection into the market and has initially completed the acquisition of a Hong Kong-listed innovative technology company. The listed company has strong capabilities in innovative technology including digital technology.

The strength will be officially unveiled at the kick-off meeting of the Greater China Headquarters, and attend the summit of the Global Artificial Intelligence Development Forum to make an important keynote speech, so stay tuned.

Since the beginning of the 21st century, innovative technologies represented by the Internet, digital technology, and artificial intelligence have continuously transformed people’s work and life. First, the Internet, big data, cloud computing and other technologies have broken the door of the digital world, giving humans the opportunity to enter A brand-new digital world. In this world, all the logical foundations are based on digital technology. From the relationship between people to the production methods, they are undergoing a new deconstruction and reconstruction.

Among them, the most powerful and promising is undoubtedly artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has strong advantages, especially the improvement of efficiency will be geometric series. On the basis of neural networks and big data, the development of artificial intelligence will create a A new era. BWB founded in 2019 as an international enterprise focusing on technology finance, it has always been very concerned about the application prospects of innovative technology in the financial field, focusing on the development of BEA&AIEA.  In 2020, it will join forces with the well-known Australian foreign exchange liquidity provider: HARVARD MARKETS PTY LTD (Harvard Group) to aggregate the brand advantages of both parties. With the support of blockchain technology, it will innovate and integrate artificial intelligence with traditional foreign exchange trading models to create AIEA artificial intelligence automatic.  Foreign exchange trading system.  HARVARD is regulated by the Australian Securities Investment Commission (ASIC). AFSL Number: 402043, HARVARD MARKETS PTY LTD has an ASIC license, which is an Australian first-class foreign exchange financial license. It is more strictly regulated than the general foreign exchange group, so investors are more protected.

The foreign exchange market is an important financial market, and it is also the most investment-worthy market in the world. Because of its 24-hour trading time, two-way trading mechanism, and margin trading, it attracts many individuals and institutions from around the world to participate, reaching daily market transaction volume of 7 trillion US dollars, but such a market that contains a lot of opportunities, for many investors, often because they are unfamiliar or the complexity of the market, they are unable to make profits steadily, which has always troubled investors.   

With the mission of continuously solving financial problems and creating value for customers, BWB International has developed the AIEA artificial intelligence automatic foreign exchange trading system after many years of research and practice, and has become a pioneer in the innovative artificial intelligence foreign exchange trading system.  AIEA artificial intelligence automatic trading software has broken the limitations of traditional EA, can win with probability, and can also reach a certain number of trading hands every day to earn the most handling fees.  And through the integration of artificial intelligence and traditional foreign exchange trading system through innovative technology, the world’s financial trends, political factors, etc. can be analyzed through artificial intelligence, so as to accurately trade for customers, breaking through the traditional trading system’s dependence on K-line charts, so it can accurately  Earning profits, BWB and previous institutions have been researching and accurately testing this technology for 3 years and will soon be unveiled.

Before the emergence of artificial intelligence, this process of circulation and distribution was too complicated and the data could not be discovered and used by investors. However, in the era of artificial intelligence, through big data and neural networks, you can easily grasp its running trajectory and thus pass the operation of capital in different financial markets achieves greater profits.

On the artificial intelligence platform, BWB can provide customers with new themed trading services in different financial markets, provide customers with insights, help customers invest in transactions that are easy to understand, and conform to the logic of wealth circulation distribution, so as to easily profit.

While obtaining stable financial investment income for customers, the BWB‘s model achieves the overall investment premium brought by circulation by achieving and participating in full circulation. This new model will create a new investment era and is a brand new wealth to the beginning of the feast。

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