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Magic baby异军突起,电子宠物借链游生态玩“出圈”

发布时间:2021/12/29 区块链 浏览次数:404

游戏是今年区块链行业最热门的话题之一。今年8月,Axie Infinity单月创收逾3.34亿美元,超越传统游戏《王者荣耀》收入规模,令区块链行业为之沸腾,同时将这一领域重新带回大众视野。就今年下半年来讲,加密市场最大的风口莫过于链游。资本加持之下,GameFi愈加火爆,先入者赚得盆满钵满。而这,或许仅仅只是开始。由于赛道较新,GameFi的早期红利远没释放完,越来越多的玩家正跑步入场,其实玩链游并不复杂,资本正趁着行情的低迷持续不断地涌进加密世界。


随着链游的火热,越来越多游戏开始进入我们的视野。如果你对养成系游戏、电子宠物情有独钟的话,那这款基于宠物养成链游Magic baby魔法宝贝值得了解一下,或许会是成为下一个与CryptoKitties一样风靡的链游。

作为一款以社交为导向的养成宠物系链游,魔法宝贝基于BSC,于BSC的手游RPG魔法宝贝Magic baby则是元宇宙领域的实际性数字化应用。魔法宝贝是由韩国区块链团队开发而成,并且获得星宿及链尚资本的极力投资。游戏中的道具-精灵球,将魔法宝贝与玩家建立亲密的关系。Magic baby社区中的精灵球POT,发行总量一千万,只有使用POT可以获得精灵球,并且永不增发;游戏生态代币为Fruit果子,即FRT。生态代币是作为游戏中的流通代币,在游戏中具有补充体力、升级等功能。玩家可以根据自己的喜好选择或交换魔法宝贝,从而丰富游戏世界。魔法宝贝是微观经济的体现,玩法具有多样化,具备养成特性,玩家可以通过不同的途径进行强化角色,能够增强相应的造型和技能,同样能够使得游戏人物富含乐趣。玩家在寻找魔法宝贝过程中,有机会得到稀有魔法宝贝,游戏进场之前要求玩家拥有精灵球,这种灵球可以通过BNB+USDT合成孵化的方式或者从其他玩家手中直接购买的途径获得。在魔法宝贝中,依靠训化精灵或参加战斗赚取果子,而这些果子、精灵、装备都可在交易大厅自由买卖,让玩家边玩边赚,其乐无穷。魔法宝贝魔法宝贝构筑起连接虚拟与现实之间的桥梁,为玩家打造独特的链游体验,而领养一只魔法宝贝宠物只是一切的开始。


在魔法宝贝打造的元宇宙中,玩家与宠物并不只有1对1的相处模式,而是拥有整个虚拟社交空间。比如,大广场(The Plaza)是魔法宝贝游戏中一个虚拟地点,在这里,玩家们、宠物们可以交互,参与各种小游戏,建造自己的家园或广场商业设施,搭建自己的商业体系,在赚取收益的同时向玩家展示自己的NFT收藏品。为自己和宠物搭建住所。而玩家之间也可以相互帮助,助力驯养不同或稀有NFT宠物,即孵化(Incubation)。而且,玩家可以通过任意设备(网页、台式电脑、移动端)进入游戏,所有驯养记录都储存于区块链之上。游戏中,玩家与宠物并不只有1对1的相处模式,而是拥有整个虚拟社交空间。比如,大广场(The Plaza)是魔法宝贝游戏中一个虚拟地点,在这里,玩家们、宠物们可以交互,参与各种小游戏,建造自己的家园或广场商业设施,搭建自己的商业体系,在赚取收益的同时向玩家展示自己的NFT收藏品。为自己和宠物搭建住所。而玩家之间也可以相互帮助,助力驯养不同或稀有NFT宠物,即孵化(Incubation)。而且,,所有驯养记录都储存于区块链之上。

精灵球作为魔法宝贝生态重要的交互组成部分,宠物市场(Pet Markets)为玩家购买新的宠物或者交易的地点,除了可以帮助宠物健康成长外,玩家还可以通过交易赚取收益。






Magic baby Magic baby rises to the top, electronic pets play “out of the loop” through the chain game ecology

Gaming is one of the hottest topics in the blockchain industry this year. In August this year, Axie Infinity generated over US$334 million in revenue in a single month, surpassing the revenue scale of the traditional game “King of Glory”, which brought the blockchain industry to a boil and brought this field back to the public’s attention. In the second half of this year, there is no bigger buzz in the crypto market than chain gaming. With capital, GameFi is getting hotter and hotter, and the first entrants are making a fortune. And this may just be the beginning. As the track is relatively new, the early dividends of GameFi are far from being released, and more and more players are running in.

Chain game has given the game a digital economic model. Previously, when you played games to earn points, the points had no value and could only be used to PK each other in the game, but chain game points allow you to cash in and make money. In some small countries, many people even make a living by playing a chain game.

With the popularity of chain games, more and more games are starting to come our way. If you’re into nurturing games and electronic pets, then this pet-based nurturing chain game Magic baby is worth checking out and may be the next chain game to become as popular as CryptoKitties.

As a socially oriented pet-raising chain game, Magic baby is based on BSC, and Magic baby, the handheld RPG of BSC, is a practical digital application in the metaverse. Magic baby is developed by a Korean blockchain team and has received strong investment from Starbucks and Chainsun Capital. The game’s prop, the Pokéball, establishes an intimate relationship between Magic Baby and players. 10 million Pokéballs are issued in the Magic baby community, and the only way to get a Pokéball is to use a POT, which will never be issued again; the game’s eco-token is Fruit Fruit, or FRT, which is used as a circulating token in the game and has functions such as replenishing stamina and upgrading in the game. Players can choose or exchange magic treasures according to their preferences, thus enriching the game world. Magic Babies are the embodiment of micro-economics, with diverse gameplay and nurturing characteristics. Players can strengthen their characters in different ways, which can enhance the corresponding shapes and skills, and also make the game characters fun. Players have the opportunity to acquire rare Pokémon in their search for them, and are required to have a Poké Ball before entering the game, which can be obtained by synthesising and hatching them through BNB+USDT or by purchasing them directly from other players. In Magic Babies, you earn fruit by training elves or participating in battles, and these fruits, elves and equipment can be freely bought and sold in the trading lobby, allowing players to earn while playing for fun. Magic Babies build a bridge between the virtual and the real, creating a unique chain-game experience for players, and adopting a Magic Babies pet is just the start of it all.



In the metaverse created by MagicBaby, players and pets don’t just spend time together in a 1-to-1 format, but have an entire virtual social space. The Plaza, for example, is a virtual location in the Pokémon game where players and pets can interact, participate in various mini-games, build their own homes or Plaza business facilities, build their own business system and showcase their NFT collections to players while earning revenue. Build homes for yourself and your pets. And players can help each other to help tame different or rare NFT pets, i.e. Incubation. Moreover, players can access the game from any device (web, desktop, mobile) and all taming records are stored on the blockchain. Instead of a 1-to-1 relationship, players have an entire virtual social space with their pets. For example, The Plaza is a virtual location in the Magic Baby game where players and pets can interact, participate in various mini-games, build their own homes or plaza business facilities, build their own business system, and showcase their NFT collections to players while earning revenue. Build homes for yourself and your pets. Players can also help each other to help tame different or rare NFT pets, i.e. Incubation. Moreover, all taming records are stored on the blockchain.

As an important interactive part of the Pokémon ecosystem, Pet Markets are a place for players to buy new pets or trade them, and in addition to helping pets grow healthily, players can also earn money from trading them.


The Internet giants are so bullish on the chain game meta-universe that they are scrambling to get in, which makes my first glimpse not of how hot the chain game is, but the taste of capital. But then again, if the chain tour meta-universe concept didn’t develop in the future, these bigwigs wouldn’t have poured in in large numbers.

So the future will definitely be an opportunity for chain tour.

The meta-universe will be like a zoo, changing the fate of a group of people. Seize the time, think independently and make your choice. As Satoshi Nakamoto said, “If you don’t believe me, or don’t understand, I don’t have time to convince you, sorry! ”

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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