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Qoojpn Global Shopping is launched and kicks off the Global E-commerce Carnival

发布时间:2022/07/23 区块链 浏览次数:1608

In this post pandemic era, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other technologies have played an important role in the e-commerce industry chain. Through the decentralized, open, autonomous, anonymous and tamper-proof features of blockchain, e-commerce platforms not only effectively improve the geographical limitations in the process of traditional globalization and also increase the accurate traceability of information communication efficiency.

In recent days, the world-famous e-commerce platform Qoojpn announced the full launch of its global shopping sector, showing its greater charm and potential. The product categories has increased by tens of thousands, and the number of service languages becomes more than 10. At the same time, the platform will prepare 300000 free products, each of which is worth more than $1000. These products will be provided for its global members free of charge, which will bring its global users the paradise-like online shopping experiences and kick off the Qoojpn Global E-commerce Carnival. Giving luxury and value-added goods for free, it will build a beautiful business blueprint for Qoojpn users!



At present, Qoojpn has more than 60 million members around the world and serves more than 30 countries and regions worldwide. Qoojpn was founded in South Korea in 2000 and its founder Ku Young Bae the earliest pioneer of e-commerce and also is an excellent representative of global e-commerce brands, who has abundant experiences in cross-border e-commerce operations. In December 2007, the first e-commerce company in South Korea Interpark that Qoojpn had deeply cooperated with incorporated it into its global strategic system. From then on, Qoojpn has become one of its global subsidiaries. In December 2007, Interpark extended its market to the important strategic place of e-commerce Japan, promoted the growth of Qoojpn in Japanese market, which occupied a considerable market share.

The products on Qoojpn cover beauty products, casual or fashionable men’s and women’s clothing, children’s clothing, household appliances, accessories, toys, outdoor equipment, travel supplies and pet supplies. Its wide range of products creates the global shopping services that are composed of shopping, tour, books, etc.



Qoojpn pursues advanced e-commerce concepts, which is to bring exciting and unforgettable experiences to customers through providing excellent online shopping and customer services, a series of high-quality and inexpensive South Korean beauty products, Asian fashion and life department stores. Qoojpn committed to fulfilling its service commitments, continuously realizing the perfect online shopping experiences for customers in its operation. At the same time, it also builds a strategic alliance with strong partners and maintains competitive advantage with high-quality brands, working with other similar platforms vertically and horizontally and creating an advantageous and strategic alliance.

In the previous years, Qoojpn has achieved outstandingly. The data and achievements that Qoojpn fed back to users have showed the brilliance of this e-commerce superstar. At present, the platform has launched the sector of global shopping and extended its business to the United States, India, Iran, Japan, Britain, Germany, etc., so that customers can obtain revenue on the platform, buy goods and services from all over the world at the lowest price, and establish their networking.

The world-renowned e-commerce platform Qoojpn meets the demand of the Internet era, undertakes the historic mission of cross-border e-commerce platforms that is given by the global COVID-19, promotes the flow of global trade services, bringing convenient and low-cost products and services to global users. Let’s wait and see in the future.

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